Some of our young passengers enjoy their ride. |
July 1 - 4, 2006
The Piquette Ts provided Model T rides to many of the participants in this
year's New Center Taste Fest. Model T touring cars were provided by Mike
Skinner, (1921) John Forster (1922) and Thomas Mullin (1916). Drivers were
Randy Mason, John Forster and Thomas Mullin. During the four days of the
Taste Fest, the Piquette Ts ferried approximately 100 people between the
T-Plex tent at the Taste Fest and the Piquette Plant. Rides were offered
between 11:30 am and 4:30 pm each day; sometimes the last return trip was
nearly 5:00 pm. Everyone who took the Model T ride enjoyed it greatly,
whether they were young and never saw a Model T before to the older people
who remembered riding in Model Ts as children. Many stopped to talk to the
drivers when they returned to the T-Plex tent. Next year we plan to
advertise more widely and have a few more cars and drivers available.
One goal of the rides was to entice people to visit the T-Plex. A portion
of the passengers did stay for the Piquette plant tour and had a great
time. The T-Plex guides treated every person as special and tailored the
tour to suit. Some of the people spent over two hours at the plant and are
likely to become active members of the T-Plex.
---Tom Mullin